Products & Services

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Electrolyzer For Bleach

Tiaano design, manufacture, supply, Install and commission of PPE, CTE and PP&ME electrolyzers for electrochlorinators; working by using brine, seawater, pool and freshwater etc. Replacement electrolyzers are available with the following configuration too.

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Electro Chlorinators

Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt Ltd offers the best solution for disinfection of water through Electro chlorination.

Sodium Hypochlorite, a strong oxidizing agent, is produced by the process of electrolysis of salt water. Electro chlorinator is used as an alternative to chlorine gas for disinfection of Domestic Water Supply, Cooling Towers, Swimming Pools, Power Stations for control of bio fouling, Disinfection of Ballast Water in Ships, Fire Water System, Fountain Water etc. For details, please visit our

Sodium Hypochlorite will be generated on-site with the help of synthetic brine or seawater is very efficient in protecting the equipment from the growth of micro organic fouling and control of algae and crustaceans.

Portable model Electro chlorinators manufactured by Ti Anode are ideal for disinfection of water during disasters like earthquakes, Floods or Epidemics. Electro chlorinators are designed for rural and village 'point -of- use' disinfection of drinking water.

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Titanium Cells For Electrolytic Generation Of Hydrogen And Oxygen

Oxy-Hydrogen / HHO is a non-toxic gas, used as a supplement to any traditional fuels such as Petrol (Gasoline), Diesel and Heavy oil to Increase… Engine performance, Mileage and Pollution free exhaust. Titanium Electrolyzer (anode & cathode assembly) coated with Platinum group precious metal oxides separates clean & soft (distilled) water into Hydrogen and Oxygen gases, using small amount of DC power. 

Titanium electrolyzers consist 99.9% pure titanium base, standards as per ASTM B Gr.1 in the form of expanded metal, sheet or tube with a thin coating of platinum group precious metal oxides between 10 to 12 microns. They posses electrochemical properties of precious metals. 

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Sewage Treatment Plants

Tiaano, an Indian specialist in designing, manufacturing, installing and maintaining Sewage Treatment Plants, using electrolytic techniques. Electrolytic, is the passing of electrical current through water has proven very effective in the removal of contaminants from water by destabilising and electro coagulating the suspended organic and inorganic solids with in the sewage waste. This electrochemical sewage treatment system is noiseless, clean and significantly reduces C.O.D, B.O.D, turbidity, suspended solids, colour, odor & pathogenic bacterial count. The electrolytic sewage water treatment system is environmental, user & operator friendly and compact in space. Our electrolytic STP comprises the process of...

Electro Coagulation
Electro Oxidation
Electro Chlorination

Our treatment plants are installed in Hospitals, Colleges & School Hostels, and Star Hotels. In Residential apartments and Foods & Beverage industries for treatment of gray water and removal of oil and grease. 

Using our unique NOBLE METAL Electrodes & the electrochemical processes, we produce the Sewage Treatment plants, having capacity to treat the sewages of 0.025 MLD to 250 MLD. Tiaano and its associates have vast experience in the treatment of water using electrochemical techniques. 

We have our manufacturing base in Chennai and worldwide distribution network. We can design, manufacture & supply complete Sewage Treatment systems, alternately Electrolyzer cells or any other components. Our team is made up of specialists including Chemical, Electrochemical, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, having more than 20 years experience in related electrolytic processes. 

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Titanium For Ship

As titanium has the mechanical stability and uniform current distribution character, Platinised anodes and MMO coated DSA anodes are getting manufactured from Titanium by Tiaano, India for… 

Platinized & MMO coated Titanium or Niobium rubberized Disc, strip Anodes for marine Cathodic protection (ICCP).
Electro Chlorinators & MGPS (Marine Growth Prevention System) for the prevention of Biofouling / marine growth.
Platinum plated or DSA titanium coated electrodes, electrolyzers or electrode sparesfor electrochlorinators for ballast water treatment.

The leading anti-corrosion, outstanding physical & mechanical properties of titanium and its alloys are suitable for handling chlorine, condensing or chilling the seawater and storage of marine harvest too. However, Tiaano offer the following for the Ship and or marine Platforms. 

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On Board Chlorination

The antifouling properties are guaranteed by the sodium hypochlorite which produced from the electrolyser; while the continuous water flow and the low concentration of hypochlorite allow reducing the hydrogen concentration and the high aggressiveness properties of the solution.

The complete reaction 2 NaCl + H2O --> NaOCl + NaCl + H2 describes how the solution salt + water, of which seawater is composed of, produces hypochlorite, salt and hydrogen through a simple electrolytic process continually nourished by the passage of the current through the electrolyser.

It's also interesting to note that when the electrolysis has taken place the solution reverts to salt and water within 10 - 20 minutes.

Furthermore the plant ensures periodical cycles of automatic cleaning to protect the anodes from the encrustations and extend the duration up to 2 years at work.

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Off Shore Chlorination

Tiaano 0.2pt, an advanced offshore electro chlorination system, producing sodium hypochlorite by using sea water to prevent biological fouling in off shore applications. Tiaano 0.2pt designed based on sodium hypochlorite requirements in kg per hour and the physical plant layout..

System Capacity
Typical marine system (offshore) throughput will range from 0.050 kg per hour for a small offshore cooling system to 12 kgs per hour for large platforms.

Offshore Oil & Gas Exploration Drilling Rigs: Jack-up, Semi-submersible, Drill ship.
Offshore Oil & Gas Production Development: Gravity base, FPSO TLP, Semi-submersible.
Ships and Vessels: Oil tanker, naval fleet auxiliary, Supply boat, naval fleet ship, Ferry, Container ship, Cruise ship, Cargo carrier, Gas carrier, Barge.

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Swimming Pool Chlorinators (Vchlorin)

Tiaano design, manufacture & maintain Electro chlorinators for Water Authorities (Potable and Wastewater), Swimming Pools, Mining Industry, Power Stations, Chlorine Plants, Ballasts and a wide range of Industrial process. Using our unique TITANIUM NOBEL METAL ANODES & patented electrochemical processes, we produce the system, having capacity to produce of 15 grams / Hr to 2000 grams / Hr.

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Mmo And Platinized Iccp Anodes

mpressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) is an economical method for controlling corrosion on above ground storage tank bottoms, buried and submerged structures, deep and conventional ground beds fresh, brackish and salt water electrolytes, offshore platforms, condensers, water tanks and pressure vessels. Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt Ltd, Chennai is manufacturing the following anodes for ICCP (Impressed Current Cathodic Protection) application.

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Mixed Metal Oxide Mmo Anode

Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd, Chennai, India has proven technology for making MMO anodes or mixed metal oxide iccp anodes and reference electrodes for a full range of cathodic protection application, by using Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) process. If you would like to know which products could be used in your application, detailed information can be found for each of them by selecting the appropriate model(s) in each category. All of our products can be customized to fulfill your particular requirements. Please contact us if you need further assistance. For further details please visit our site

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Membrane Cell Anode And Cathode Coating

Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt Ltd, India offers platinum group precious metal oxide coatings - for long lifetimes & low operating potentials for service in chlor-alkali membrane cells.

Ti’s coating systems are based on a range of nano-structured multi-layers of metal oxides; these include Ru, Ir, Pt, Pl and Ti - offer increased performance over conventional materials by maximising catalytic phases and surface area interactions. By adding doping agents to the catalysts, we are able to make them more selective and further improve performance.

The developed coating technology allows for very thin layers to be deposited increasing cost effectiveness. The MMO (Mixed Metal Oxide) Coated substrate will undergo multiple thermal treatments at elevated temperatures. This process will achieve very good bonding properties between the mixed metal oxide coating and the substrate.

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Electrodes For Color Removal (Electro Coagulation)

Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt Ltd has emerged as a specialist in disinfecting water by electrolysis, refining the available Electrocoagulation process (Dietrich, patented 1906) by their continuous R & D with unique TITANIUM NOBEL METAL ANODES & patented electrochemical processes, we produce the new millennium TiECCR system,

To increase removal rates,
To lower capital investment, &
To reduce operating costs.

Electrocoagulation TiECCR is the process of destabilizing suspended, emulsified or dissolved contaminants in an aqueous medium by introducing an electrical current into the medium. When reactions are driven or forced, the elements or compounds will approach their most stable state. Generally, this state of stability produces a solid that is either less colloidal and less emulsified (or soluble) than the compound at equilibrium values. As this occurs, the contaminants form hydrophobic entities that precipitate out and can easily be removed by a number of secondary separation techniques.

Electrocoagulation can often neutralize ion and particle charges, thereby allowing contaminants to precipitate, reducing the concentration below that possible with chemical precipitation, and can replace and / or reduce the use of expensive chemical agents (metal salts, polymer). 

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Control Panel

Description / Specification of Control Panel

We are involved in offering a wide range of Control Panel to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Control Panel. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Ppe Dry Cells

Description / Specification of Ppe Dry Cells

We are involved in offering a wide range of Ppe Dry Cells to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Ppe Dry Cells. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Wet Cell For 50 125Cc

Description / Specification of Wet Cell For 50 125Cc

We are involved in offering a wide range of Wet Cell For 50 125Cc to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Wet Cell For 50 125Cc. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Wet Cell For 2000Cc

Description / Specification of Wet Cell For 2000Cc

We are involved in offering a wide range of Wet Cell For 2000Cc to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Wet Cell For 2000Cc. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Ppme Wet Cells

Description / Specification of Ppme Wet Cells

We are involved in offering a wide range of Ppme Wet Cells to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Ppme Wet Cells. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Colony Gray Water Stp

Description / Specification of Colony Gray Water Stp

We are involved in offering a wide range of Colony Gray Water Stp to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Colony Gray Water Stp. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Hospital Sewage Treatment

Description / Specification of Hospital Sewage Treatment

We are involved in offering a wide range of Hospital Sewage Treatment to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Hospital Sewage Treatment. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Treatment Of Factory Sewage

Description / Specification of Treatment Of Factory Sewage

We are involved in offering a wide range of Treatment Of Factory Sewage to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Treatment Of Factory Sewage. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Design Approval

Description / Specification of Design Approval

We are involved in offering a wide range of Design Approval to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Design Approval. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Treatment Of Hotal Sewage

Description / Specification of Treatment Of Hotal Sewage

We are involved in offering a wide range of Treatment Of Hotal Sewage to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Treatment Of Hotal Sewage. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Housing Society Stp

Description / Specification of Housing Society Stp

We are involved in offering a wide range of Housing Society Stp to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Housing Society Stp. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Description / Specification of Electrofloatation

We are involved in offering a wide range of Electrofloatation to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Electrofloatation. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Electrocoagulation Flow Diagram

Description / Specification of Electrocoagulation Flow Diagram

We are involved in offering a wide range of Electrocoagulation Flow Diagram to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Electrocoagulation Flow Diagram. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Scale Remover

Description / Specification of Scale Remover

We are involved in offering a wide range of Scale Remover to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Scale Remover. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Scale On Cathode

Description / Specification of Scale On Cathode

We are involved in offering a wide range of Scale On Cathode to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Scale On Cathode. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Description / Specification of Diaki

We are involved in offering a wide range of Diaki to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Diaki. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Description / Specification of Desalination

We are involved in offering a wide range of Desalination to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Desalination. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Description / Specification of Disinfection

We are involved in offering a wide range of Disinfection to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Disinfection. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Dsa Coating

Description / Specification of Dsa Coating

We are involved in offering a wide range of Dsa Coating to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Dsa Coating. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Description / Specification of Offshore

We are involved in offering a wide range of Offshore to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Offshore. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Description / Specification of Powerplant

We are involved in offering a wide range of Powerplant to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Powerplant. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Steel Plant

Description / Specification of Steel Plant

We are involved in offering a wide range of Steel Plant to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Steel Plant. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Seawater Intake

Description / Specification of Seawater Intake

We are involved in offering a wide range of Seawater Intake to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Seawater Intake. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Electrochlorinator For Ship

Description / Specification of Electrochlorinator For Ship

We are involved in offering a wide range of Electrochlorinator For Ship to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Electrochlorinator For Ship. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Platinized Titanium Electrolyzer

Description / Specification of Platinized Titanium Electrolyzer

We are involved in offering a wide range of Platinized Titanium Electrolyzer to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Platinized Titanium Electrolyzer. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Replacement Of Cells

Description / Specification of Replacement Of Cells

We are involved in offering a wide range of Replacement Of Cells to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Replacement Of Cells. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Off Shore Electro Chlorinater

Description / Specification of Off Shore Electro Chlorinater

We are involved in offering a wide range of Off Shore Electro Chlorinater to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Off Shore Electro Chlorinater. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Electrolyzer For Naval Ship

Description / Specification of Electrolyzer For Naval Ship

We are involved in offering a wide range of Electrolyzer For Naval Ship to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Electrolyzer For Naval Ship. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Anode For Seachest Chlorination

Description / Specification of Anode For Seachest Chlorination

We are involved in offering a wide range of Anode For Seachest Chlorination to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Anode For Seachest Chlorination. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Chlorinator For Oil Tanker Vessels

Description / Specification of Chlorinator For Oil Tanker Vessels

We are involved in offering a wide range of Chlorinator For Oil Tanker Vessels to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Chlorinator For Oil Tanker Vessels. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Replacement Of Our Electrolyzer In Cruise Ship

Description / Specification of Replacement Of Our Electrolyzer In Cruise Ship

We are involved in offering a wide range of Replacement Of Our Electrolyzer In Cruise Ship to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Replacement Of Our Electrolyzer In Cruise Ship. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Electrolyzer For Passenger Ship

Description / Specification of Electrolyzer For Passenger Ship

We are involved in offering a wide range of Electrolyzer For Passenger Ship to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Electrolyzer For Passenger Ship. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Swimming Pool Chlorination Electrode Replacement

Description / Specification of Swimming Pool Chlorination Electrode Replacement

We are involved in offering a wide range of Swimming Pool Chlorination Electrode Replacement to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Swimming Pool Chlorination Electrode Replacement. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Titanium Electrolyzers For Swimming Pool

Description / Specification of Titanium Electrolyzers For Swimming Pool

We are involved in offering a wide range of Titanium Electrolyzers For Swimming Pool to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Titanium Electrolyzers For Swimming Pool. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Cpcc Titanium Tubular Anodes For Cathodic Protectin

Description / Specification of Cpcc Titanium Tubular Anodes For Cathodic Protectin

We are involved in offering a wide range of Cpcc Titanium Tubular Anodes For Cathodic Protectin to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Cpcc Titanium Tubular Anodes For Cathodic Protectin. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Titanium Electrolyzers

Description / Specification of Titanium Electrolyzers

We are involved in offering a wide range of Titanium Electrolyzers to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Titanium Electrolyzers. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Titanium Conductor Bars For Impressed Current Cathodic Protection

Description / Specification of Titanium Conductor Bars For Impressed Current Cathodic Protection

We are involved in offering a wide range of Titanium Conductor Bars For Impressed Current Cathodic Protection to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Titanium Conductor Bars For Impressed Current Cathodic Protection. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Titanium Disc And Strip Anodes For Ship

Description / Specification of Titanium Disc And Strip Anodes For Ship

We are involved in offering a wide range of Titanium Disc And Strip Anodes For Ship to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Titanium Disc And Strip Anodes For Ship. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Mmo Coated Titanium Ribbon And Wire Anodes

Description / Specification of Mmo Coated Titanium Ribbon And Wire Anodes

We are involved in offering a wide range of Mmo Coated Titanium Ribbon And Wire Anodes to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Mmo Coated Titanium Ribbon And Wire Anodes. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Cpcc Tubular String Anode For Impressed Current Cathodic Protection

Description / Specification of Cpcc Tubular String Anode For Impressed Current Cathodic Protection

We are involved in offering a wide range of Cpcc Tubular String Anode For Impressed Current Cathodic Protection to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Cpcc Tubular String Anode For Impressed Current Cathodic Protection. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Embedded Civil Probe Anodes For Cathodic Protection

Description / Specification of Embedded Civil Probe Anodes For Cathodic Protection

We are involved in offering a wide range of Embedded Civil Probe Anodes For Cathodic Protection to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Embedded Civil Probe Anodes For Cathodic Protection. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Mmo (Mixed Metal Oxide) Coated Disc Anodes For Ship Hull

Description / Specification of Mmo (Mixed Metal Oxide) Coated Disc Anodes For Ship Hull

We are involved in offering a wide range of Mmo (Mixed Metal Oxide) Coated Disc Anodes For Ship Hull to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Mmo (Mixed Metal Oxide) Coated Disc Anodes For Ship Hull. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Platinised Anodes

Description / Specification of Platinised Anodes

We are involved in offering a wide range of Platinised Anodes to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Platinised Anodes. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Platinized Niobium Ring Anode

Description / Specification of Platinized Niobium Ring Anode

We are involved in offering a wide range of Platinized Niobium Ring Anode to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Platinized Niobium Ring Anode. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Platinised Niobium Mesh Anode

Description / Specification of Platinised Niobium Mesh Anode

We are involved in offering a wide range of Platinised Niobium Mesh Anode to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Platinised Niobium Mesh Anode. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Anode For Printing Roller

Description / Specification of Anode For Printing Roller

We are involved in offering a wide range of Anode For Printing Roller to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Anode For Printing Roller. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Platinised Titanium Mesh Anode

Description / Specification of Platinised Titanium Mesh Anode

We are involved in offering a wide range of Platinised Titanium Mesh Anode to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Platinised Titanium Mesh Anode. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Platinized Titanium Anode For Wheel Plating

Description / Specification of Platinized Titanium Anode For Wheel Plating

We are involved in offering a wide range of Platinized Titanium Anode For Wheel Plating to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Platinized Titanium Anode For Wheel Plating. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Anode For Electrowinning

Description / Specification of Anode For Electrowinning

We are involved in offering a wide range of Anode For Electrowinning to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Anode For Electrowinning. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Gold Plating Anodes

Description / Specification of Gold Plating Anodes

We are involved in offering a wide range of Gold Plating Anodes to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Gold Plating Anodes. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Recoated Nickel Cathode

Description / Specification of Recoated Nickel Cathode

We are involved in offering a wide range of Recoated Nickel Cathode to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Recoated Nickel Cathode. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Refurbished Ti Anode

Description / Specification of Refurbished Ti Anode

We are involved in offering a wide range of Refurbished Ti Anode to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Refurbished Ti Anode. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Electrolyser Refurbishment

Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt Ltd, India offers an extensive range of anode and cathode modules with various types of platinum group precious metal oxide (catalyst) coatings suited to a host of electrochemical processes - with long life times & low operating potentials for service in...

Hypochlorite cells for Monopolar or Bipolar arrangements.
Chlorine anodes for Membrane, Mercury (runner, rod & strip) and Diaphragm Cells.
Chlorate & Perchlorate anodes for Plate type, Diaphragm, Modular & Tank Cells.
Anodes for Iodate & Bromate cells.
Anodes for metal finishing & Recovery.
Anodes for Cathodic protection.
Anodes for Fuel cells.

Acid Lance For Hcl * Aerospace Equipments * Anode For Electrowinning * Anode For Printing Roller * Anode For Seachest Chlorination * Arp Ti Gr 7 Venturi F5 * Arp Ti. Gr. 7 Fasteners * Arp Zirconium Heat Exchanger Coil * Basket For Auto Component * Caustic Fusion Elements Caustic Concentrator Tube * Centrifugal Pumps Impellers * Chlorinator For Oil Tanker Vessels * Circular Baskets * Coils Titanium Coils * Colony Gray Water Stp * Control Panel * Cpcc Titanium Tubular Anodes For Cathodic Protectin * Cpcc Tubular String Anode For Impressed Current Cathodic Protection * Desalination * Design Approval * Diaki * Disinfection * Dsa Coating * Electro Chlorinators * Electrochlorinator For Ship * Electrocoagulation Flow Diagram * Electrodes For Color Removal (Electro Coagulation) * Electrodes Refurbishment Recoating * Electrofloatation * Electrolyser Refurbishment * Electrolyzer For Bleach * Electrolyzer For Naval Ship * Electrolyzer For Passenger Ship * Electroplating Jigs And Racks * Electroplating Titanium Baskets * Embedded Civil Probe Anodes For Cathodic Protection * Engineering Equipments * Gold Plating Anodes * Hcl Fumes Blower Casing With Titanium Gr7 * Hcl Heating In Pickling Bath Tantalum Bayonet Heater * Hcl Tantalum Shell And Tube Heat Exchanger Bundle * Heat Exchanger Coils * Heater Titanium Heaters * Heaters Titanium Heaters * Home * Hospital Sewage Treatment * Housing Society Stp * Hydrochloric Acid Regeneration Blower V31 Impeller * Jigs And Racks * Membrane Cell Anode And Cathode Coating * Metal Finishig Equipments * Metal Finishing Anode Baskets * Mixed Metal Oxide Mmo Anode * Mmo (Mixed Metal Oxide) Coated Disc Anodes For Ship Hull * Mmo And Platinized Iccp Anodes * Mmo Coated Titanium Ribbon And Wire Anodes * Nickel Plating Basket * Off Shore Chlorination * Off Shore Electro Chlorinater * Offshore * On Board Chlorination * Pcb Anode Baskets * Plating Jigs And Racks * Plating Titanium Baskets * Platinised Anodes * Platinised Niobium Mesh Anode * Platinised Titanium Mesh Anode * Platinized Niobium Ring Anode * Platinized Titanium Anode For Wheel Plating * Platinized Titanium Electrolyzer * Powerplant * Ppe Dry Cells * Ppme Wet Cells * Racks And Jigs * Racks For Electroplating * Recoated Nickel Cathode * Recoated Titanium Anode * Refurbished Ti Anode * Replacement Of Cells * Replacement Of Our Electrolyzer In Cruise Ship * Scale On Cathode * Scale Remover * Seawater Intake * Sewage Treatment Plants * Shell Tube Heat Exchangers * Steel Plant * Steel Plant Hcl Regeneration Diffusor A6 * Steel Processing * Swimming Pool Chlorination Electrode Replacement * Swimming Pool Chlorinators (Vchlorin) * Tantalum * Tantalum Bayonet Heater Hydrochloric Acid Heating * Tantalum Bayonet Refurbished * Tantalum Bayonet Retubing * Tantalum Boat * Tantalum Boats And Crucibles * Tantalum Coil For Indirect Heating Of Hydrochloric Acid * Tantalum Crucibles * Tantalum Equipments * Tantalum Fasteners * Tantalum Grid Coils For Hcl Heating * Tantalum Heat Exchanger Tube Sheet * Tantalum Immersion Coil For Side Wall Of Pickling Bath * Tantalum Immersion Grid Coils * Tantalum Immersion Heat Exchanger Coils * Tantalum Repair Kit * Tantalum Repair Kit For Glass Liner * Tantalum Safety Pockets * Tantalum Shapes * Tantalum Shell And Tube Heat Exchanger For Hcl Heating In Pickling Plant * Thermowells And Sleeves * Thermowells Sleeves * Ti Gr 7 Sleeved Epdm * Ti Gr7 Lancer Assembly * Ti Pd Diffusor A6 Elbow * Ti Pd Epdm Compensator Sleeve For V31 And A10 * Ti Pd Lancer Spares * Titanium Anode Baskets * Titanium Aqua Heater * Titanium Basket * Titanium Baskets * Titanium Caustic Concentrator Tube * Titanium Cells For Electrolytic Generation Of Hydrogen And Oxygen * Titanium Centrifugal Pumps * Titanium Coils * Titanium Conductor Bars For Impressed Current Cathodic Protection * Titanium Disc And Strip Anodes For Ship * Titanium Electrolyzers * Titanium Electrolyzers For Swimming Pool * Titanium Fasteners * Titanium For Ship * Titanium Gr. 7 Acid Regeneration Plant Equipments * Titanium Heater * Titanium Heaters * Titanium Impellers Blowers * Titanium Sample Cooler * Titanium Zirconium Nickel Niobium Tantalum Shell Tube Heat Exchanger * Treatment Of Factory Sewage * Treatment Of Hotal Sewage * Turn Key Projects * V 31 Arp Blower * Wet Cell For 2000Cc * Wet Cell For 50 125Cc * Coil (Titanium Coils) * Electroplating (Titanium Products) * Baskets (Titanium Baskets) * Metal Finishing (Titanium Products) * Heating Coils (Titanium Heating Coils) * Plating (Titanium Products) * Titanium Heaters, Baskets, Coils * Jigs For Electroplating * Electroplating (Plating Jigs And Racks) * Metal Finishing (Plating Jigs And Racks) * Plating (Plating Jigs And Racks)